Got Belly Fat?

Got belly fat? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! But first, here are the things you need to know about that muffin top! Sure, it may be embarrassing to have that belly hang over your jeans, but at Green Balance Nutrition we don’t care what you look like, we care how you feel! We don’t want you to lose weight to get healthy; our supplements are designed to get you healthy to lose weight! In other words, focus on your health, and your waistline will shrink in the process. Belly fat is a silent killer, lending to heart attacks, strokes, and Diabetes. But in a pandemic, it is so much more. Your immune system may be your only defense, and belly fat can smother your immune system, rendering you helpless to viruses and other attacks on the body.
It is a little known fact that 70% of the immune system is found in the middle of your body, and this is where most men and women carry fat! The digestive system is the nutrient factory, distributing much-needed substances throughout the body. Excess belly fat can stifle the distribution of nutrients, and lower the immune system. When the immune system is low, the body has a difficult time fighting off viruses, bacteria, and other harmful attacks. High-risk symptoms such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, irritable bowel syndrome, Type II Diabetes and obesity are caused by excess belly fat, and with a low immune system, even more complications can occur. At Green Balance Nutrition, we specialize in blasting belly fat and boosting the immune system. Here are three steps to blasting belly fat and getting your immune system fired up again!
Leave the sugar out! Refined sugar feeds fat cells, and contributes to weight gain and belly fat. Did you know that your taste buds change in approximately 10 days? Try the no-sugar challenge for ten days, and you will see the immediate results of higher energy, better sleep, and even fat loss! If you love to eat something sweet, try our man and women bars! We promise you won’t be disappointed, and they are guilt free! The chocolate in these bars is even diabetes friendly, clocking at a whopping 2 or less on the glycemic index! Take Belly Blast. If you would rather take one supplement instead of four, look no further! Belly Blast has combined all of the immune building, fat-blasting ingredients into one supplement to help give you the boost you have been looking for! Chromium Picolonate, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Garlic Bulb Powder, and Cayenne Fruit Powder combine in a small gel capsule to give you immediate results the easy way! Take it with the first meal of the day to flush out that fat and give your immune system the support it needs! In these unprecedented times, your immune system needs more support than ever. Green Balance Nutrition has done the research and beta testing, and has helped over 8,000 clients eliminate fat and reverse high-risk symptoms. We can’t wait to hear your success story!
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Water fuels nearly every system in the body, and it is vital for helping you get healthy on a cellular level. Our bodies are made of cells, so the healthier your cells are, the healthier you will be! Healthy cells are like grapes, filled with water and bulging with life-giving power! Unhealthy cells are like raisins, shriveled and dying. It is difficult for disease to live inside a healthy cell, because the water will flush it out! If you are struggling with hydration, try Hydrocell to help you better absorb your daily water intake!
- Leave the sugar out! Refined sugar feeds fat cells, and contributes to weight gain and belly fat. Did you know that your taste buds change in approximately 10 days? Try the no-sugar challenge for ten days, and you will see the immediate results of higher energy, better sleep, and even fat loss! If you love to eat something sweet, try our man and women bars! We promise you won’t be disappointed, and they are guilt free! The chocolate in these bars is even diabetes friendly, clocking at a whopping 2 or less on the glycemic index!
- Take Belly Blast. If you would rather take one supplement instead of four, look no further! Belly Blast has combined all of the immune building, fat-blasting ingredients into one supplement to help give you the boost you have been looking for! Chromium Picolonate, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Garlic Bulb Powder, and Cayenne Fruit Powder combine in a small gel capsule to give you immediate results the easy way! Take it with the first meal of the day to flush out that fat and give your immune system the support it needs!
In these unprecedented times, your immune system needs more support than ever. Green Balance Nutrition has done the research and beta testing, and has helped over 8,000 clients eliminate fat and reverse high-risk symptoms. We can’t wait to hear your success story!